Nate + Megan | Grand Rapids Wedding at Fellowship CRC

Have you ever set someone up on a blind date? If you have, have you gone out the first time on a "double date" with that couple who is meeting for the first time? Have you watched those couples begin dating, fall in love and realize they were meant for one another? We had that priviledge with Nate and Megan. We have known Nate for several years and got to know Megan just in the past year. When my wife set up a double date over Thanksgiving weekend 2013, we never imagined we would be introducing two people who are perfect for one another.

Just a few months later these two were engaged, set a wedding date for July 2014 and asked if we would photograph their wedding. Obviously we couldn't say no to the request. It was a blessing to be a part of their wedding day.

They planned a simple ceremony at Nate's church in Grandville, which was then followed by a lunch in the church's larger fellowship hall. We scheduled portraits after guests had eaten and after Nate and Megan could meet and greet with everyone in attendance.

Also, be sure to leave a comment below to let them know which photos are your favorite! 

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Tiberius Images is a Grand Rapids photographer that photographs people, places and events. Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, they serve clients throughout the world and are available for travel.