Event Photo and Video in Grand Rapids | AvaSure Symposium

event photo and video grand rapids

AvaSure is helping improve healthcare across the country.

They work with healthcare providers to make sure patients are safe and uninjured. They offer a tech service called “telesitting” that gives the patient a better experience, empowers caregivers, reduces costs and provides better outcomes.

They hosted their 2018 AvaSure Symposium in Grand Rapids to provide an event centered around “best practices” with the AvaSure system and provide caregivers an opportunity to learn more about their platforms.

We were tasked with capturing photos of the 3 day event as well as creating a highlight video that could tell the story of what the 2018 event was like for attendees.

Our goal for both photo and video was to show attendees looking and feeling confident as they spent time learning about the AvaSure system and what others are doing to improve patient outcomes around the country.

The resulting photo and video collection have been integrated into AvaSure’s online presence with the intention of increasing the number of attendees in 2019.

AvaSure Highlight Video

Some of key highlights in the video include:

  • AvaSure’s 2nd Annual Symposium

  • 250+ Healthcare Leaders from across the USA

  • 3 days of learning and networking in Grand Rapids

  • Celebrating 10 years of improving patient safety with video monitoring

AvaSure Photo Highlights

The locations included the Grand Rapids Public Museum for the opening reception and award ceremony and DeVos Place Convention Center.

Speakers included John Quiñones, host of “What Would You?”, Ingrid Cheslek, Lee Woodruff and Susan Dentzer.

If you’re hosting an event and would like to increase awareness and attendance, professional photography and video might be what takes your event to next level.

We would love the chance to speak with you and your organization!

We Are Here To Make You Look Great And Help You Be More Successful. If You're In Need Of A Photographer You Can Trust To Make You Look And Feel Confident, We Would Love To Connect With You.