Tiberius Images

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You Don't Have Time For Photography?


Worried you don't have time to train someone to take photos for your marketing needs? That's probably why you're reading this post and hiring a photographer in the first place.

  • You're not sure the photos from the upcoming event will be worth paying a professional photographer for?
  • You need photos turned around sooner than the last time you hired a photographer and it took almost a month to get the photos?
  • You're not sure you want to spend the money to hire a professional photographer, so you're going to save money to do it yourself?

These are some of the fears and uncertainties we have heard from business owners and marketing staff over the past few years.

In the world of photography, most photographers act like technicians.

You call them, describe the type of project you have coming up and they quote you a price and a time frame when it can be completed.

They come out, complete the work and deliver images to you based on a timeline they establish.

What if we told you it was different with us? What if we told you we have solved those concerns,

  • What if you could have a photographer "on staff" that understood your target market?
  • What if your "staff photographer" understood your long term goals and objectives when it came to the work he was producing for you?
  • What if you didn't have to think about "should I have them come out to this client event..." and we were there for those special moments that perhaps wouldn't have been photographed normally?
  • What if you didn't have to train someone to understand your company?
  • What if your photographer was ACTUALLY INTERESTED in learning about how your business operated and what produced the biggest results for you?
  • What if you could have photos turned around in a shorter amount of time?

All those items are how we operate.

That's why we have a flexible photography program that allows us to come alongside an organization, understand your goals, objectives and obstacles and allows us to become part of your team!

To learn more about our flexible photography program, simply contact us at contact@tiberiusimages.com.