2 Business Hacks That Have Helped My Business Grow More Than Anything Else

Everyone loves a good business hack to bring potential clients your way. Over the past 10 years I have tested all kinds of different strategies (just like you do as you read new content and think, “I should try that…”). 

But, two specific strategies seem to have stuck around and helped my small business continue to grow, all while helping bring new relationships (and clients) in the door. 

What are they, you ask? Here they are: 

1. Them, “Do you have a business card?” My answer, “I don’t actually, but I have my phone…”

When people ask for a business card, I realized I would wait for them to contact me. And after enough people don’t reach out like they say they will, I got sick of it. 

So I started a new strategy. 

When people ask me for my business card now, my response is usually, “No I don’t, but I have my cell phone.” 

From there, I ask for their email address, and enter my email in the BCC field so my email shows up in my inbox as a “new message”. 

I am then able to follow up directly with the person rather than waiting around for them to contact me! 

2. Following up via Salesforce

I utilize Salesforce to log email connections and conversations. 

My process involves adding a client or new relationship to the Salesforce system and giving myself a follow up task for the future (perhaps 3 days out, 1 week out, 6 months out). 

I am then able to forget about the “work to be done” and when I check Salesforce (which I do daily), I am able to follow up like I had been thinking about the project and previous email the entire time. 

To win in business, follow up is the key. And it happens to be the one area that many businesses seem to lack critical foundation. 

I learned this early on when a bride would contact me. I would ask, “How many other photographers have you connected with?” The response was usually, “Oh I’ve emailed like 20, but only heard back from 3…” 

These two tips alone have been a driving factor to how I have built my business and made it profitable over the past decade. Through consistency and the right online tools, I have organized my daily activities to give me my best options. Maintaining current clients and bringing in new ones! 

Here at Tiberius Images we want to capture you at your best, and with over 1500+ events in our portfolio we know exactly what your next shoot needs! If you are in need of a photographer for your next company headshot or private event contact us here at Tiberius Images!

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