How A Live Mosaic Engaged Guests at Gun Lake Casino

Have you ever wanted to find a way you can engage with event attendees in a way they will remember? Most event planners have asked themselves this question at some point as they plan their next signature event. 

For New Years Eve, Gun Lake Casino utilized a Live Mosaic to engage guests throughout the evening. 
We were on site for 6 hours and engaged over 1,500 guests in a meaningful way. The Live Event mosaic experience allowed guests to become part of the art as they had their photo taken, placed the tile into the mosaic AND walked away with a custom 4x6 print to hang on their fridge. 


As we interact with guests, we take their photo, walk to the table where their photo is printed (in real time) and help them find the spot for their tile on the mosaic. 

On average we spent between 2-3 minutes engaged with guests directly.

The Live Mosaic experience creates memories while exposing individuals to their brands. Our Live Event Mosaic has been utilized by clients around the state. 

It presents a new and exciting way for brands to interact and collaborate with their audience. 

So how does this help your brand awareness and get attendees more involved? By creating hands-on engagement with a photo tile, giving all participants a branded takeaway photo from the event they’ll never forget, and social media excitement based on their experience with the mosaic! 

Here at Tiberius Images we want to capture you at your best and build your brand awareness and with over 1500+ events in our portfolio we know exactly what your next production needs! If you are in need of a mosaic, photographer or videographer for your next company headshot or private event contact us here at Tiberius Images! 

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